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柠檬小姐番茄美食大全 番茄食谱总汇


柠檬小姐番茄美食大全 番茄食谱总汇[多图]图片1

a glass of milk 一杯牛奶

apple 苹果

bacon 培根

carrot 胡萝卜

carrot soup 胡萝卜汤

cheeseburger 芝士汉堡

cherry 樱桃

chicken 鸡肉

chicken with potatos 鸡肉配薯条

chocolate 巧克力

chocolate coctail 巧克力鸡尾酒

柠檬小姐番茄美食大全 番茄食谱总汇[多图]图片2

chocolate cream 巧克力奶油

chocolate icecream 巧克力冰淇凌

chocolate soup 巧克力汤

combo meal 套餐

cream 奶油

cucumber 黄瓜

donut 甜甜圈

donut with strawberry flavor 草莓甜甜圈

egg 蛋蛋

fish 鱼

french fries 炸薯条

fried egg 煎蛋/炒蛋

fried fish with salad 炸鱼沙拉

glass of water 一杯水

ice 冰

icecream 冰淇凌

ketchup 番茄酱

lemon 柠檬

lemonade 柠檬水

mashed potatoes 土豆泥

pepper 辣椒

potato 土豆

salad 沙拉

salami 香肠

sause 调味汁

spaghetti 意面

spaghetti with tomatosause 番茄意面

steak 牛排

steak with mashpotatos 牛排配土豆泥

strawberry 草莓

strawberry icecream 草莓冰淇凌

strawberry yogurt 草莓酸奶

sushi 寿司

tomato soup 番茄

