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Spells QWERTY keyboard only for now. AZERTY should switch to QWERTY settings.

Type these in Secrets after getting Scrolls of Morbane. Also unlocks the default weapons of unlocked characters.

spinnn = Spins the screen

relaxenjoylife = Unlock Il Molise + Hyper

honesty = Unlock Moongolow + Hyper

dotgogreenacres = Unlock Green Acres + Hyper

rottingpizza = Unlock Bone Zone + Hyper

peakgamedesign = Unlock Boss Rash

exdashexoneviiq = Unlock Exdash

tramezzini = Unlock Toastie

noneladonna = Unlock Arca

vivaladonna = Unlock Porta

superladonna = Unlock Lama

strongestcharacter = Unlock Poe

bioparco = Unlock Dommario

faschiuma = Unlock Clerici

accidenti = Unlock Krochi

crystalmakeup = Unlock Christine

carramba = Unlock Bianca + Carrelo

reset = Unlock O'Sole Meeo + Celestial

languorino = Unlock Ambrojoe + La Robba

secondevolution = Unlock Gyorunton + Bracelet

earrivatolarrotino = Unlock Big Trouser + Candybox

lhovistoio = Unlock Cosmo

fettinepanate = Unlock Marrabbio

foldinthecheese = Unlock Minnah

yattapanda = Unlock Yatta + Cherry bomb

iwillneverletyouforgetaboutme = Unlock Leda

pinociampino = Unlock Peppino

highfive = Unlock Boros

ablasphemousmockery = Unlock Red Death

thisshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault = Unlock Grimoire

thistooshouldhavebeenunlockedbydefault = Unlock Gouda

thankelrond = Unlock Banger

leadmetothecheese = Unlock Map

timecompression = Unlock Tear

eggseggseggs = Unlock Vizard

teleportustomars = Unlock Mindbender

randomazzami = Unlock Randomazzo + Sarabande of Healing

ihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenitihaveseenit = Unlock Yellow Sign

icanhearthecriesofcaptainplanet = Unlock Great Gospel

